Coming Soon

This June, my short story “Do I Know You, Baby?” is being published in the Pride Anthology of the phenomenal Midwestern-focused publication Of Rust and Glass.
You can preorder copies through this LINK.
Of Rust and Glass is a literature and arts publication featuring talent from all across the Midwest United States, including writers, artists, photographers, videographers, musicians, and everything in between. It is a celebration of the thriving creative spirit within our wonderful community.”

Reading Recommendations

Swimming in the DarkFrom J. Adams Oaks: This was one of the first books I listened to on Audible during my daily walks. I found myself so absorbed in the story that I’d lose my way and wander aimlessly around the neighborhood. That being said, had I read it on the page, I’d have lost track of the real world just the same. I really felt immersed in Communist Poland with all its complexities. I felt both the danger of being gay in that era and the joy of an honest love that can bloom anywhere. The universality of this story makes it recommendable to any adult who enjoys good story.
El viaje de Marcos
From J. Adams Oaks: 
El Viaje de Marcos es una de las pocas novelas en castellano que he leído en más de cinco años y me sorprendió la facilidad con la que me dejó entrar. Me enganchó inmediatamente a los personajes y a este pueblecito fascinante de la Mancha rodeado de molinos antiguos. No pude dejar de leerlo. El protagonista de Marcos es maravilloso y majo, y alguien fácil de seguir. El romance es dulce, sencillo y autentico. La familia es maravillosa, verosímil y compleja. Sí, el narrativo sumerge la punta del dedo de pie en las aguas del franquismo sin llegar demasiado profundo para alguien que no lo ha estudiado. Al final, esta novela satisface algo muy intimo, profundo e ingenuo de mi adolescencia. Ahora tengo ganas de leer más escritura de Hernández Campano.